
Designing an efficient memory layout in Rust with unsafe & unions, or, an overlong guide in avoiding dynamic dispatch


First and foremost, this post is addressed to people already familiar with the Rust language, and knowledge of how typical Rust data structures are laid out in memory is certainly advised (though, everything is explained in detail just in case). However, I will not be assuming knowledge of how things work under-the-hood, and I will try my best to explain everything.

This is the first blog post in a series of how to build a CLI spreadsheet program, mostly because I'm too tired of all other spreadsheets' deficiencies. In this blog post, I will be designing the memory layout of each of the values in the spreadsheet's cells, so we should start with the question: What does a spreadsheet cell contain?

However, that is not just it. I am not aware if that is the case in Excel, but in Google Docs, a cell can get its value overridden by a matrix displayed on another cell that covers it. Matrices and iterators will be the core design of this spreadsheet engine, but that is for another blog post. However, that means that a value is either one of the listed before, or an iterator that yields these values.

A first attempt: dynamic dispatch

The naive approach, which is the one I'd recommend myself, would be to use enums. However, for educational purposes, we will start modeling this with dynamic dispatch; because as we will see in just a moment, its memory layout is very efficient (always two words/usizes). For starters, let's define a trait that models the behavior for any cell value:

trait CellValue: Display + Any {}

I have decided not to include any methods, and instead require that a) it implements Display for printing on the screen, and b) It implements Any so that we can "downcast" the value out of dynamic dispatch if necessary. Downcasting is a practice in which you can save an "ID" of a type inside its dynamic function table (what the keyword dyn generates); and if you statically assert that its ID is of a known type, it is safe to convert it back to its non-dynamic type.

Thus, we can now define each individual type:

type DynCellValue = Box<dyn CellValue>;
struct Num(f64);
struct Str(String);
struct Formula; // To-do
struct Iter(Box<dyn Iterator<Item = DynCellValue>);

// Display & CellValue impls left as an exercise for the reader.

The most important conclusion we can draw is that Iter has two dynamic dispatch indirections, for itself (since we want to allow arbitrary matrices), and for its values, as they themselves could be anything. Before discussing why this is a bad approach, let's take a look at DynCellValue's layout:

[ 64bits               | 64bits                ]
 Pointer to the heap,   Pointer to a VTable,
 where the data lives.  where we can find the
                        pointers to the
                        functions it implements.

However, the Num case is as big as a pointer, so perhaps we could include it inline, instead of allocating it! If only we had a way of distinguishing between those two cases^[1]... Not only that, but maybe we could use a ThinVec to store the String' contents, which would also store its length and capacity inside its allocation (surprise! a String is just a Vec<u8>). That would only leave the Formula as a variant possibly bigger than a word, but I plan on it being inside a reference-counted allocation anyway (an Rc container), so in the future, it'll be just a pointer. That means that all allocations of Box<dyn CellValue> would just be... slow and needless indirections. There is a point why I started the article with dyn, even though it's the slowest and least idiomatic: it will always be two words, regardless of what we throw at it. From now on, our objective is to keep that while removing all of Box<dyn ...>'s unneecessary indirections.

Enum dispatch

This is what you should always try before resorting to dynamic dispatch. enum_dispatch is a useful crate in situations where you know all the types of a dyn Trait, as it automagically does the following:

enum CellValue {
    Iter(Box<dyn Iterator<Item = CellValue>>),

impl Display for CellValue {
    fn fmt(&self, f: ...) -> ... {
        match self {
            Self::Num(x) => x.fmt(f),
            Self::Str(s) => s.fmt(f),
            Self::Formula(o) => o.fmt(f),
            Self::Iter(i) => todo!(),

The todo!() there is beacuse Iter has spooky action at a distance (meaning, it affects more cells than itself); so in the future, we'll engineer a way to allow it to do its thing, but, right now, that is not a priority. Layout:

[ 64bits               | 64bits                ]
 Tag                    An f64, a ThinVec<u8>
                        or an Rc<Formula>.

As you can see, we managed to keep the enum at two words (one for the value, one for the tag that tells which variant is inside), and by removing the heap allocations & pointers and the opaque function calls, it now is orders of magnitude faster. All the Display::fmt() functions are now static, and in the enum's, we dispatch it to the implementation of the inner values using the tag (what match is doing). However, I lied before, our number is not a single word, it's going to be two (just like an u128), and for now we will call it Long to annoy C programmers (joke, IYKYK). That breaks our previous goal of keeping it at two words, since enums are as big as their bigger variant plus the tag, so it'd be three words:

[ 64bits              | 64bits                | 64bits                ]
Tag                     Half a Long, or a full  The other half of a                                    
                        ThinVec<u8> or          `Long`, or nothing
                        Rc<Formula>.            otherwise.

That is a whole wasted word when the value is not a Long, we can do better than that! However, we will have to rely on a giant hack: our Long does not use its entire bit pattern. Otherwise, if it being just two words long was really necessary, or there was a very big variant in contrast to very small ones, the best approach would be to box said variant, which is still way more performant than Box<dyn ...> (so, as you can see, avoid it if you can).

The decimal number type, ft tagged pointers.

Disclaimer: from now on, the code might only work on 64-bits little-endian architectures (basically all the widely used ones).

That is the correct name for our Long, Decimal. It is a number like a floating-point one, but much more precise and suitable for financial computations. Its layout is as follows:

[ 15bits | 113 bits                                             ]
 Unused.   The actual decimal number, irrelevant.

Although these first bits are unused, they're always zero, and the moment they're not, we may hit UB in the internal implementations of the number.

If you've ever played with tagged pointers, perhaps you already know what we're getting into here. For any pointer, if the pointee has an alignment bigger than one, we can store as much data in the lower part of the pointer as its alignment. That is because in Rust, all safe reads are aligned, so we can assume that our values are aligned. Note that this data stored in the pointer must be removed before the pointee is read (for obvious reasons). From now on, all our cell values will be of alignment of two, so:

[ 2bits | 62 bits              ... ]
 Always   The rest of the pointer.

Thus, we can exploit these common unused bits to store the enum's tag, and this is what the tagged_pointer crate will do for us. Explaining tagged pointers beyond the conceptual points is out of scope for this post, so I recommend you read tagged_pointer's documentation and source if you're interested.

Now with unions, also known as C's untagged enums or Friedrich Transmute.

Unions are the backing data for enums, these allow you to define a space of data which may be used by a set of types; but only one at a time, and without taking note of which one it is. The Friederich Transmute pun comes from the fact that these effectively allow you to do the same as std::mem::transmute, since by accessing using a different type than what was written, you're reinterpreting the bytes of a type as a different one.

For starters, let's copy our previous enum:

union CellValue {
    num: Decimal,
    str: ThinVec<u8>,
    formula: Rc<Formula>,
    iter: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = CellValue>>,

The first thing we'll get is a screaming message from rustc telling us to wrap everything that's not Copy in a ManuallyDrop<T>. As it turns out, unions are one of the many reasons why destructors are just a suggestion in Rust, and that is what ManuallyDrop<T> does, remove the drop implementation from its inner. This is needed because there is no info for the compiler to codegen the drop of the union since it can't possibly know what's inside, so it nicely asks us not to ask it to do so. The next thing we'll do is add a field with a TaggedPtr<Aligned, 2> where Aligned's alignment is two; so that we can use what's inside the union as a tagged pointer to get, set, and remove the tag. As it stands, we get the following:

union CellValue {
    tag: TaggedPtr<Aligned, 2>,
    num: Decimal,
    str: ManuallyDrop<ThinVec<u8>>,
    formula: ManuallyDrop<Rc<Formula>>,
    iter: ManuallyDrop<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = CellValue>>>,

Manually implementing iter's dyn.

Before continuing, there's something we should do, desugar Box<dyn ...>. This allows us to remove a pointer of indirection: the whole vtable. It is true that Iterator has like eighty methods we will want to use, but these all have default implementations which we will not override, so we won't need a pointer to a vtable of functions, only to one function (I bet you know where this is going). The only required function is Iterator::next(), so that is the only one we will keep as an opaque one, and we will statically generate the rest. First, let's create a struct with the data:

struct DynIter {
    data: TaggedPtr<Aligned, 2>,
    next: NonNull<()>, // All function pointers are guaranteed not to be null

Then let's tell the compiler to codegen the rest of the iterator's functions with our opaque next() for us:

impl Iterator for DynIter {
    type Item = CellValue;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        type NextFn = for<'a> fn(&'a mut Aligned) -> CellValue;
        unsafe { transmute::<_, NextFn>(self.next)(self.data.ptr().as_mut()) }

Taking advantage of this, I will be refactoring the unions so as to limit when a value is or is not allowed to be an iterator (this will make our life easier in the coming posts):

const MASK_BITS: usize = 2;

union Value {
    tag: TaggedPtr<Aligned, MASK_BITS>,
    num: Decimal,
    str: ManuallyDrop<ThinVec<u8>>,
    formula: ManuallyDrop<Rc<Formula>>,

struct DynIter {
    data: TaggedPtr<Aligned, MASK_BITS>,
    next: NonNull<()>,

union CellValue {
    tag: TaggedPtr<Aligned, MASK_BITS>,
    value: ManuallyDrop<Value>,
    iter: ManuallyDrop<DynIter>,

Messing with TaggedPtr

Now we have to choose the bitmasks for the tags of each value. The 0b00 and 0b01 tags will be the fastest ones, so I will be giving them to num and iter, being the no-op one (0b00) for num because I'd rather not mess with it:

const NUM_MASK: usize = 0b00;
const ITER_MASK: usize = 0b01;
const STR_MASK: usize = 0b10;
const FORMULA_MASK: usize = 0b11;

Because TaggedPtr::new(ptr, tag) is the way you construct a new one, we will have to figure out a way to have the ptr it gets to be the same as the low bits of our CellValue. The easiest way out of here would just be to use arguably the most unsafe function in all Rust, the chaotic sibling of Friedrich Transmute: std::mem::transmute_copy. This allows us to copy the CellValue's low 64 bits into TaggedPtr::new()'s first argument, which is likely to get optimized away after inlining:

impl Value {
    unsafe fn tag(mut self, tag: usize) -> Self {
        self.tag = TaggedPtr::new(transmute_copy(&self), tag);

    fn num(dec: Decimal) -> Self { Self { num: dec } }

    fn str(str: ThinVec<u8>) -> Self {
        unsafe { Self { str: ManuallyDrop::new(str) }.tag(STR_MASK) }

    fn formula(f: Rc<Aligned>) -> Self {
        unsafe { Self { formula: ManuallyDrop::new(f) }.tag(FORMULA_MASK) }

The last thing I will show on this blog post is how to get back a value from our union, which can be done by checking whether the tag matches the value you want back:

impl CellValue {
    pub fn get_value(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Value> {
        if self.downcast_iter().is_none() {
            Some(unsafe { transmute(&mut self.value) })
        } else {

    pub fn get_iter(&mut self) -> Option<&mut DynIter> {
        if unsafe { self.tag }.tag() == ITER_MASK {
            Some(unsafe { transmute(&mut self.iter) })
        } else {

impl Value {
    fn get_num(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Decimal> {
        if unsafe { self.tag }.tag() == NUM_MASK {
            Some(unsafe { transmute(&mut *self) })
        } else {

    // the rest are almost the same, so I leave as an
    // exercise to the reader creating a macro for them.

There's only one little thing that we are forgetting, the drop code. Because I left as an exercise for you creating a macro for accessing each field, I will do the same with the drop code that uses it (this is long enough, I'm tired).


Unions are not just an archaic tool from the long forgotten era of Dennis Ritchie, they are still a very useful tool which can yield amazing results in the right hanSegmentation fault (core dumped)

[1]: Note that this is what Niko Matsakis proposed with its dyn* blog post, and we will be exploiting this later.